Small Disc Golf is meant to be as much like regular disc golf as possible.
There are some important differences in the rules because of the scale of the game. Some regular disc golf rules are obviously impractical for a smaller version of the game. Common sense should always prevail if there is any ambiguity or inconsistency in the rules, in the exact same way the whole card decides whether a disc is in-bounds or out-of-bounds. The rules are meant to highlight only the differences between normal disc golf rules and small disc golf rules.
These rules are meant for golf, but there are plenty of other games people play with discs, including catch, target practice, horse, trick-shots and anything else you can think of that is fun.
Throwing Rules
You may throw discs using your hands.
A player places their foot behind the tee spot or their lie and may then lean in any direction and throw their disc. They may lean forward. So, if you disc lands within arms reach of the target it is a gimme. If there is no way to stand behind the disc (such as if it is on the edge of a deck) you may stand next to it but no closer to the target in any case.
Course and Hole Rules
All rules for courses and holes from the PDGA apply to Small Disc Golf (SDG) if they are practical for the game. For example rules about out-of-bounds, island and bunker rules all easily transfer from the official PDGA rules to Small Disc Golf. If the PDGA changes rules, the new rules also naturally apply to SDG.
Obvious differences:
- Rules containing measurements for things like holes, tees, and also conventions like the 2-meter rule all naturally need smaller equivalents for SDG.
- Obstacles for SDG differ significantly from those found on typical disc golf courses, so additional rules help clarify what should happen for these
While the measurements have to be scaled to the size of the SDG discs, their intent does not. For example, “one meter in from an OB line” is meant to provide clearance for a player to throw, not because there is anything special about a meter stick. So, it makes more sense to say that a SDG player whose disc is completely out of bounds or partially out of bounds is entitled to relief from the OB line sufficient to throw a disc, which is probably still a meter. So, that distance doesn’t get scaled.
Any course is free to have its “course rules” which are unique to the course so long as everyone playing understands the rules and agrees. For example:
- Rules about forbidden zones
- Rules about maximum height
- Rules about special obstacles or mandatories
- Rules about bunker or island holes
When disc golf courses share space with ball golf courses the ball golf greens are often out-of-bounds, which makes disc golf holes more interesting and reduces wear and tear on the greens. The same effect can help reduce the chances of damaging the fragile things on one side of a room. Protect things by making the area around them be out of bounds, and planning holes that proceed away from fragile things. Create rules as needed to protect the space in which you play.